LG ESS Home Batteries are installed as part of a residential energy solar system which allows owners to capture and store energy from solar panels.
You should urgently check your home batteries serial number via our Serial Number Checker to know whether your product is affected. If you have previously checked your LG battery, please check it again because the recalls have expanded to include additional models and batteries.
See below hyperlinks to the ACCC Recall Notices available on the ACCC Product Safety Australia website.
Replacement Recall (PRA 2020/18529) View Recall Notice
Diagnostic Software Recall (PRA 2022/19550) View Recall Notice
SolaX Recall (PRA number 2022/19420) View Recall Notice
Check the entire recall progress status here.
The affected ESS (subject to recall) Home Batteries may overheat, catch fire and cause injury or death and/or damage to property. Incidents have occurred and caused damage to property.
Enter the serial number of your battery in the Serial Number Checker to see if your battery is affected.
Check my Serial NumberOr register your information in Consumer Registration for us to contact you.
Register my DetailsIf you are not sure what to do or need any assistance, contact us urgently for help.
리콜대상인 ESS 홈 배터리가 과열될 시, 그 여파로 화재가 발생하고 부상이나 사망 및/또는 재산 피해가 발생될 수 있습니다. 사고가 발생하여 재산 피해를 입은 사례가 있었습니다.
일련번호 검사기에 배터리의 일련번호를 입력하여 해당 배터리로 인한 문제인지 확인하십시오.
내 일련번호 확인하기또는 소비자 등록란에 귀하의 정보를 등록해주시면 당사에서 연락을 드릴것입니다.
내 세부정보 등록하기직접 대응에 확신이 없거나 지원이 필요한 경우 신속하게 연락주시면 지원해드리겠습니다.
Các sản phẩm ESS Home Batteries bị ảnh hưởng (sẽ bị thu hồi) có thể trở nên quá nóng, bắt lửa, dẫn đến gây ra thương tích hoặc tử vong và/hoặc hư hỏng tài sản. Đã có ghi nhận về các sự cố dẫn đến thiệt hại về tài sản.
Nhập số sê-ri của pin vào Trình kiểm tra số sê-ri để xem pin của bạn có bị ảnh hưởng hay không.
Kiểm tra số sê-ri của tôihoặc đăng ký thông tin của bạn trong phần Đăng ký người tiêu dùng để chúng tôi có thể liên hệ với bạn.
Đăng ký thông tin của tôiNếu bạn không biết phải làm gì hoặc cần bất kỳ sự trợ giúp nào, hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để được trợ giúp.
قد ترتفع درجة حرارة بطارية ESS المنزلية (التالفة)، وتشتعل فيها النيران، مما يتسبب في حدوث حالات الإصابة و/أو الوفاة و/أو تلف الممتلكات، وقد تقع حوادث تؤدي إلى أضرار في الممتلكات.
أدخل الرقم التسلسلي لبطاريتك في أداة التحقق من الرقم التسلسلي لترى ما إذا كانت بطاريتك متأثرة.
تحقق من رقمي التسلسليأو قم بتسجيل معلوماتك كمستهلك حتى نتمكن من التواصل معك.
سجل بياناتيإذا لم تكن واثقا مما يجب عليك فعله أو كنت بحاجة إلى أي مساعدة، يرجى التواصل معنا فورا لطلب المساعدة.
باتریهای خانگی ESS تحت تأثیر (باتری آسیب دیده) ممکن است داغ شده، آتش گرفته و موجب آسیب یا مرگ و یا صدمه به اموال شما شوند. مواردی اینچنین اتفاق افتاده است و آسیبهایی به اموال افراد وارد شده است.
شماره سریال باتری خود را در بررسی شماره سریال وارد کنید تا ببینید آیا باتری شما تحت تأثیر قرار گرفته است یا خیر
شماره سریال من را بررسی کنیدیا اطلاعات خود را در ثبت نام مصرف کننده ثبت کنید تا ما با شما تماس بگیریم
ثبت مشخصات مناگر مطمئن نیستید چه کاری باید انجام دهید یا به کمک نیاز دارید، فوراً با ما تماس بگیرید.
Las baterías ESS para el hogar afectadas (retiradas del mercado) pueden sobrecalentarse, incendiarse y causar lesiones o la muerte, además de daños materiales. Ha habido incidentes que hay causado daños materiales.
Ingrese el número de serie de su batería en el Verificador de número de serie para ver si su batería se encuentra afectada.
Verificar mi número de serieo registre sus datos en Registro de Consumidores para que nos pongamos en contacto con usted.
Registrar mis datosSi no está seguro de qué hacer o precisa asistencia, póngase en contacto con nosotros urgentemente.
بطری های خانگی ESS تحت تاثیر (باتری آسیب دیده)ممکن است بیش از حد گرم شوند، آتش بگیرند و باعث مجروحیت، مرگ ویا آسیب به اموال شوند. ممکن است حادثه ای رخ داده و خسارت مالی وارد کنند.
شماره سریال بطری خود را در بررسی شماره سریال وارد کنید تا ببینید آیا بطری شما تحت تأثیر قرار گرفته است یا نه.
شماره سریال من را چک کنیدیا اطلاعات خود را در ثبت نام مصرف کننده ثبت کنید تا ما با شما تماس بگیریم.
مشخصات من را ثبت کنید.اگر مطمئن نیستید چه کاری باید انجام دهید یا به کمک نیاز دارید، فوراً برای کمک با ما تماس بگیرید.
yang bermasalah (yang perlu ditarik kembali) dapat menjadi terlalu panas, terbakar, dan menyebabkan kecelakaan atau kematian dan/atau kerusakan properti. Kecelakaan dapat terjadi yang mengakibatkan kerusakan properti.
Masukan nomor seri baterai ke Pemeriksa Nomor Seri untuk memeriksa apakah baterai bermasalah.
Periksa Nomor Seri sayaatau daftarkan informasi Anda ke Registrasi Pelanggan agar kami dapat menghubungi Anda.
Daftarkan Informasi sayaJika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, segera hubungi kami.
होम बैटरी (दोबारा भी) अधिक गरम हो सकती हैं, आग पकड़ सकती हैं, चोट पहुंचा सकती है, मृत्यु का कारण बन सकती है और/या संपत्ति को भी नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं। कई ऐसी घटनाएं घटी हैं और उनसे संपत्ति को नुकसान पहुंचा है|
अपनी बैटरी का सीरियल नंबर सीरियल नंबर चेकर में डालें ताकि आप यह जान सकें कि क्या आपकी बैटरी प्रभावित है या नहीं |
मेरे सीरियल नंबर को चेक करेंया उपभोक्ता रजिस्ट्रेशन में अपनी जानकारी रजिस्टर करें ताकि हम आपसे संपर्क कर सकें |
मेरी जानकारी को रजिस्टर करेंअगर आप यह नहीं समझ पा रहे हैं कि आपको क्या करना चाहिए या आपको किसी तरह की सहायता की जरूरत है, तो सहायता प्राप्त करने के लिए हमसे तुरंत संपर्क करें |
L'ESS (soggette a richiamo) Home Batteries possono surriscaldarsi, incendiarsi e causare lesioni o morte e/o danni a proprietà. Sono avvenuti incidenti che hanno causato danni a proprietà.
Inserire il numero di serie della batteria nel Serial Number Checker per controllare se la tua batteria è soggetta.
Controlla il numero di serieo registrare le informazioni nel Consumer Registration in modo che possiamo contattarti.
Registra i miei datiSe non sei sicuro su cosa fare o hai bisogno di assistenza contattaci immediatamente.
Οι οικιακές μπαταρίες ESS που έχουν επηρεαστεί (υπό ανάκληση) ενδέχεται να υπερθερμανθούν, να πάρουν φωτιά και να προκαλέσουν τραυματισμό ή θάνατο ή/και υλικές ζημιές. Έχουν σημειωθεί περιστατικά που προκάλεσαν υλικές ζημιές.
Εισάγετε τον σειριακό αριθμό της μπαταρίας σας στον Έλεγχο Σειριακού Άριθμού για να δείτε αν η μπαταρία σας έχει επηρεαστεί.
Ελέγξτε τον Σειριακό μου Αριθμόή καταχωρίστε τα στοιχεία σας στο Μητρώο Καταναλωτών για να επικοινωνήσουμε μαζί σας.
Καταχωρίστε τα Στοιχεία μουΕάν δεν είστε σίγουροι για το τι πρέπει να κάνετε ή χρειάζεστε βοήθεια, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας άμεσα.
ESS Home Battery Models : Affected RESU batteries are LG branded systems.
Battery Modules installed in Non-LG branded systems:
Affected S/A Gen2 batteries are installed in non-LG branded systems including:
The affected Batteries were supplied nationally to consumers from January 2016 via various residential solar energy storage system retailers, installers and distributors including :
"We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
as we work to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our
valued customers."
Alternative options are:
a. Check your installer provided documentation to see if your installer included your battery serial number.
b. Contacting your installer to check if they recorded your battery serial number in their internal records.
c. Arranging a site visit for your installer or a qualified electrician to check your serial number. Please ask them to first contact LG Energy Solution Australia's product department at productau@lgensol.com or on (+61) 1300 677 273 prior to their visit so we can provide technical guidance and arrange payment for their time.
d. Contacting LG Energy Solution Australia's product department to arrange an inspection and (if applicable) a replacement free of charge.
For further information, please contact LG Energy Solution Australia's product department by phone on (+61) 1300 677 273 or SMS only 0438 966 549 or by email to productau@lgensol.com.
It is not always possible for customers to directly determine the serial number, due to its location
underneath battery cables, but you may attempt before turning to alternatives.
To determine the serial number directly:
There are two methods to check the serial number which appears in two places.
Locating the serial number on your LG RESU 3.3 6.5 10 or 13 kilowatt battery.
To determine the serial number directly. Look to the right hand side of the battery. You may see the serial number label partially obscured by battery cables and or conduit.
It is not always possible for customers to directly determine the serial number due to its location Underneath battery cables.
Do not attempt to dismantle the battery or cabling for easier access to the serial number. Instead, call us on (+61) 1300 677 273.
There are two methods to check the serial number. Method one Locate the two safety lock clips on the bottom right hand side of the battery to release the clips. Locate the safety lock pin underneath the clips. Press the safety lock pin upwards to release the clips and pull to open.
You can then see the serial number label on a clear plastic cover.
Method two Underneath the battery, you will see a secondary serial number label.
The serial number is located on the white label next to the square white button below the battery LED lights.
If you are unsure of the steps or your system does not line up with what we have shown, please contact us on (+61) 1300 677 273.
If you are in any doubt about how to safely interact with your system including to switch-off, please urgently contact LGESAU for assistance via (+61) 1300 677 273, email to productau@lgensol.com, or SMS to 0438 966 549. We can provide instructions over the phone, instructional videos where applicable, and coordinate site visits where needed.
Switching off the LV RESU low voltage battery.
First step is to shut down the inverter.
To do this, turn off the AC isolator.
Please note, if the AC isolator is not located next to the inverter then it will be located inside the switch board labelled AC inverter supply
Next, turn off the array DC isolator this will be labelled 'PV ARRAY D.C. ISOLATOR'
Next turn off the battery DC Isolator. Please note, some installations may not have battery DC isolators.
The inverter will be off when nothing is displayed on the inverter screen and all LED's are off.
When the inverter is off, the battery will trip after 10 minutes.
Please make sure that all four battery LED's are off to confirm the battery has tripped.
Please note, if after 15 minutes the inverter and battery are still on, re-energise the inverter and call us on (+61) 1300 677 273.
Please turn the inverter back on. To do this, turn the DC isolator on first, followed by the AC isolator.
Please note, the inverter may take a few minutes to turn on.
If you are in any doubt about how to safely interact with your system including to switch-off, please urgently contact LGESAU for assistance via (+61) 1300 677 273, email to productau@lgensol.com, or SMS to 0438 966 549. We can provide instructions over the phone, instructional videos where applicable, and coordinate site visits where needed.
First step is to shut down the inverter for solar edge inverters. Turn the red toggle switch to the off position. The inverter will start to de-energize, allowing the voltage to drop to a safe level.
This may take 2 to 3 minutes while the voltage counts down on the inverter screen to below 50 volts.
Note, if the screen turns blank or off. Simply press the green button next to the toggle switch to illuminate.
Next, turn off the AC isolator. Please note if the AC isolator is not located next to the inverter, then it will be located inside the switchboard labeled AC inverter supplier.
Turn off the DC isolator located on the inverter.
The inverter will be off when nothing is displayed on the inverter screen and all LEDs are off.
To shut down the battery. Locate the two safety lock clips on the bottom right hand side of the battery to release the clips. Press the safety lock in upwards and pull the clip towards you. Open the battery door and you will find two switches inside the battery.
Turn off the main big circuit breaker, followed by the two poles, circuit breaker
Close the battery door.
Now that the battery is off, it's safe to turn the inverter back on.
To turn the inverter back on.
Re-energise the DC isolator located on the inverter, the AC isolator and switch the red toggle switch to the on position.
If you are unsure of the steps or your system does not line up with what we have shown, please contact us on (+61) 1300 677 273.
If you are in any doubt about how to safely interact with your system including to switch-off, please urgently contact LGESAU for assistance via (+61) 1300 677 273, email to productau@lgensol.com, or SMS to 0438 966 549. We can provide instructions over the phone, instructional videos where applicable, and coordinate site visits where needed.
Switching off the LG Stand Alone battery.
The majority of these batteries are installed inside a cabinet.
There are many different cabinet types. If you are unable to follow this process, to access your battery, please contact us on (+61) 1300 677 273.
First step is to shut down the inverter. Turn off the AC isolator.
Note, if the AC isolator is not located next to the inverter then it will be located inside the switch board labelled AC inverter supply.
Next, turn off the DC Isolator. The inverter will be off when nothing is displayed on the inverter screen and all LED's are off.
When the inverter is off. Open the battery cabinet. Locate the battery ‘on off’ button which is a square white button located next to the serial number. Press the button only once, to turn the battery off.
Please make sure all battery LEDs are off.
Note: if multiple batteries are connected, then you will need to switch off each battery individually.
Now that the batteries are off. You can turn the inverter back on.
Turn on the DC isolator. Then turn on, the AC isolator.
The inverter may take a few minutes to turn on.
Please contact us directly at (+61) 1300 677 273 or by email to productau@lgensol.com.
"We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
as we work to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our
valued customers."