ess recall submit form

LG Energy Solution ESS Battery Divisions LG Energy Solution ESS Battery Divisions

LG Energy Solution Battery

Electrical Safety Recall

LG Energy Storage System (ESS) Home Batteries

home home

Affected Batteries may overheat and catch on fire , which can result in severe property damage, serious injuries or death. Incidents have occurred and caused damage to property and injury.

  • LG ESS Home Batteries are installed as part of a residential energy solar system which allows owners to capture and store energy from solar panels.

  • You should urgently check your home batteries serial number via our Serial Number Checker to know whether your product is affected. If you have previously checked your LG battery, please check it again because the recalls have expanded to include additional models and batteries.

  • See below hyperlinks to the ACCC Recall Notices available on the ACCC Product Safety Australia website.

  • Replacement Recall (PRA 2020/18529)

  • Diagnostic Software Recall (PRA 2022/19550)

  • SolaX Recall (PRA number 2022/19420)

  • Check the entire recall progress status here.

  • ESS Home Batteries

    The affected ESS (subject to recall) Home Batteries may overheat, catch fire and cause injury or death and/or damage to property. Incidents have occurred and caused damage to property.

  • Is my battery affected?
  • Urgently

    If you are not sure what to do or need any assistance, contact us urgently for help.

    1. Phone (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. Email productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549
  • ESS 홈 배터리

    리콜대상인 ESS 홈 배터리가 과열될 시, 그 여파로 화재가 발생하고 부상이나 사망 및/또는 재산 피해가 발생될 수 있습니다. 사고가 발생하여 재산 피해를 입은 사례가 있었습니다.

  • 당신의 배터리가 손상되었습니까?
  • 긴급번호

    직접 대응에 확신이 없거나 지원이 필요한 경우 신속하게 연락주시면 지원해드리겠습니다.

    1. 전화 (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. 이메일 productau@lgensol.com
    3. 문자 0438 966 549
  • 受影响的ESS


  • 我的电池是否受到了影响?
  • 紧急


    1. 电话 (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. 电子邮件 productau@lgensol.com
    3. 短信 0438 966 549
  • 受影響的ESS


  • 我的電池是否受到了影響?
  • 緊急


    1. 電話 (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. 電子郵件 productau@lgensol.com
    3. 短信 0438 966 549
  • ESS Home Batteries

    Các sản phẩm ESS Home Batteries bị ảnh hưởng (sẽ bị thu hồi) có thể trở nên quá nóng, bắt lửa, dẫn đến gây ra thương tích hoặc tử vong và/hoặc hư hỏng tài sản. Đã có ghi nhận về các sự cố dẫn đến thiệt hại về tài sản.

  • Pin của tôi có bị ảnh hưởng không?
  • Gọi ngay

    Nếu bạn không biết phải làm gì hoặc cần bất kỳ sự trợ giúp nào, hãy liên hệ ngay với chúng tôi để được trợ giúp.

    1. SĐT (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. Email productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549
  • ESS البطاريات المنزلية

    قد ترتفع درجة حرارة بطارية ESS المنزلية (التالفة)، وتشتعل فيها النيران، مما يتسبب في حدوث حالات الإصابة و/أو الوفاة و/أو تلف الممتلكات، وقد تقع حوادث تؤدي إلى أضرار في الممتلكات.

  • هل بطاريتي متأثرة؟
  • على الفور

    إذا لم تكن واثقا مما يجب عليك فعله أو كنت بحاجة إلى أي مساعدة، يرجى التواصل معنا فورا لطلب المساعدة.

    1. هاتف (+61) 273-677-1300
    2. بريد إلكتروني productau@lgensol.com
    3. رسائل نصية 549-966-0438
  • باتری های خانگی ESS

    باتری‌های خانگی ESS تحت تأثیر (باتری آسیب دیده) ممکن است داغ شده، آتش گرفته و موجب آسیب یا مرگ و یا صدمه به اموال شما شوند. مواردی اینچنین اتفاق افتاده است و آسیب‌هایی به اموال افراد وارد شده است.

  • آیا باتری من تحت تأثیر قرار گرفته است؟
  • فورا

    اگر مطمئن نیستید چه کاری باید انجام دهید یا به کمک نیاز دارید، فوراً با ما تماس بگیرید.

    1. تلفن 1300 677 273 (61+)
    2. ایمیل productau@lgensol.com
    3. پیامک 0438 966 549
  • ESS Home Battery

    Las baterías ESS para el hogar afectadas (retiradas del mercado) pueden sobrecalentarse, incendiarse y causar lesiones o la muerte, además de daños materiales. Ha habido incidentes que hay causado daños materiales.

  • ¿Se encuentra afectada mi batería?
  • urgencia

    Si no está seguro de qué hacer o precisa asistencia, póngase en contacto con nosotros urgentemente.

    1. Teléfono (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. Email productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549
  • باتری های خانگی ESS

    بطری های خانگی ESS تحت تاثیر (باتری آسیب دیده)ممکن است بیش از حد گرم شوند، آتش بگیرند و باعث مجروحیت، مرگ ویا آسیب به اموال شوند. ممکن است حادثه ای رخ داده و خسارت مالی وارد کنند.

  • آیا بطری من تحت تأثیر قرار گرفته است؟
  • فوراً

    اگر مطمئن نیستید چه کاری باید انجام دهید یا به کمک نیاز دارید، فوراً برای کمک با ما تماس بگیرید.

    1. تلفن 273 677 1300 (61+)
    2. ایمیل productau@lgensol.com
    3. پیام 549 966 0438
  • ESS Home Battery

    yang bermasalah (yang perlu ditarik kembali) dapat menjadi terlalu panas, terbakar, dan menyebabkan kecelakaan atau kematian dan/atau kerusakan properti. Kecelakaan dapat terjadi yang mengakibatkan kerusakan properti.

  • Apakah baterai saya bermasalah?
  • urgencia

    Jika Anda membutuhkan bantuan, segera hubungi kami.

    1. Telepon (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. Email productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549
  • प्राभावित हुई ESS

    होम बैटरी (दोबारा भी) अधिक गरम हो सकती हैं, आग पकड़ सकती हैं, चोट पहुंचा सकती है, मृत्यु का कारण बन सकती है और/या संपत्ति को भी नुकसान पहुंचा सकती हैं। कई ऐसी घटनाएं घटी हैं और उनसे संपत्ति को नुकसान पहुंचा है|

  • क्या मेरी बैटरी प्रभावित है?
  • तुरंत

    अगर आप यह नहीं समझ पा रहे हैं कि आपको क्या करना चाहिए या आपको किसी तरह की सहायता की जरूरत है, तो सहायता प्राप्त करने के लिए हमसे तुरंत संपर्क करें |

    1. फ़ोन (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. ईमेल productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549
  • L'ESS Home Batteries

    L'ESS (soggette a richiamo) Home Batteries possono surriscaldarsi, incendiarsi e causare lesioni o morte e/o danni a proprietà. Sono avvenuti incidenti che hanno causato danni a proprietà.

  • La mia batteria può essere soggetta?
  • immediatamente

    Se non sei sicuro su cosa fare o hai bisogno di assistenza contattaci immediatamente.

    1. Telefono (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. Email productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549
  • Οι οικιακές μπαταρίες ESS

    Οι οικιακές μπαταρίες ESS που έχουν επηρεαστεί (υπό ανάκληση) ενδέχεται να υπερθερμανθούν, να πάρουν φωτιά και να προκαλέσουν τραυματισμό ή θάνατο ή/και υλικές ζημιές. Έχουν σημειωθεί περιστατικά που προκάλεσαν υλικές ζημιές.

  • Έχει επηρεαστεί η μπαταρία μου;
  • άμεσα

    Εάν δεν είστε σίγουροι για το τι πρέπει να κάνετε ή χρειάζεστε βοήθεια, επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας άμεσα.

    1. Τηλέφωνο (+61) 1300 677 273
    2. Email productau@lgensol.com
    3. SMS 0438 966 549

Serial Number Check

Select and enter the serial number of your ESS home battery to check.
Please see the instructions HERE for information on how to check your battery's serial number

Product Serial Number*
Please note, unless you opt-in below any data collected in this form will not be used for sales advertising purposes and will only be used for product support, campaign and recall purposes.
Your information *required
Please kindly fill out one of email / phone number / address*
Installer or Supplier information (if known)
Inverter brand
How did you become aware of the recall?*Please select how you became aware of the recall.
  1. Advertisement
  2. Letter
  3. Online advertisement
  4. Other

LG Energy Solution Ltd and LG Energy Solution Australia Pty Ltd (together, the Company) collects personal information. This privacy statement applies to all personal information collected by LG Energy Solution Australia Pty Ltd and any personal information collected by LG Energy Solution Ltd to which the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) applies.

Our Privacy Policy contains information about how individuals may access the personal information about them that is held by the Company and seek the correction of such information. It also contains information about how individuals may complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act.

For further information on how the Company handles personal information please read our Privacy Policy which is available on our website or contact us at privacy.es@lgensol.com.

You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us at privacy.es@lgensol.com.
Any withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of LG Energy Solution’s processing of your personal data based on the consent provided above prior to the withdrawal of your consent.

If you have a SolaX X-Cabinet, SolaX Power Station,
or an Opal Storage-branded system,

please contact SolaX Power by or by email to service@solaxpower.com or by telephone at (+61) 1300 476 529 for help in identifying whether the battery component within your system is affected.

If you have a Redback SH5000, Red Earth Sunrise,
Red Earth Drop Bear, Eguana Evolve and VARTA Pulse Neo

please contact LG Energy Solution Australia to check whether the battery component within your system is affected.

"We appreciate your understanding and cooperation
as we work to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our
valued customers."

For further information
or assistance, please contact
LG Energy Solution Australia.